Easy to use
At the heart of Brivo DR-F is GE’s proprietary flat-panel digital detector, which is as easy to use as conventional or CR cassettes. The system’s straightforward design minimizes staff training time and streamlines your operations.
With a digital system, retakes are drastically reduced and film handling is eliminated. The result? Improved patient flow and a more productive radiology department.
Seeing is believing. With the GE digital flat-panel detector, you can increase data integrity – and improve diagnostic confidence – at a lower patient dose. And thanks to the dynamic range of the detector, retakes are also reduced.
Converting to digital radiology eliminates film – and that translates to significant environmental savings. Not only will you reduce power consumption by removing your analog film processor, but you will also eliminate processing chemicals and water baths from the environment while having fewer analog films to store. And with this highly productive system, you will be able to complete as many patient exams in one digital room as you could in two analog rooms.
We have replacement parts available for GE Brivo DR-F.
We have financing available for GE Brivo DR-F.
We have service and repair available for GE Brivo DR-F.
Name of the Manufacturer: GE