CT Parts and Accessories for Sale
Computerized tomography (CT) is a type of medical scanning that gathers and processes multiple x-ray images, or “slices”, of a specific area or structure in the body into 3D pictures that are viewed on a computer monitor. This type of body scanning, which is often used in conjunction with a contrast dye for increased clarity, is typically used in situations when detailed 3D images of certain areas of the body that are difficult to see, including major blood vessels, areas of soft tissue, and the brain, are needed. CT scans are especially helpful for patients who have suffered from a traumatic bone injury and those who are suffering from chest and lung issues and in cancer detection. CT scanning is also fast, providing the high quality images that radiologists and physicians need to make the most accurate diagnosis in emergency situations and when providing basic care. Unlike MRI technology, a CT scanner uses multiple x-ray images to create the “slices” that make up the final 3D image. However, unlike typical x-ray machines which send a single beam of radiation through the body to collect the image, CT scanners emit several smaller beams at once. This results in an highly detailed image that you simply can’t get with basic x-rays. CT scanners are made up of three main systems: the computer, the operating console and the gantry. The gantry is the biggest part of the scanner, as it includes the patient support area, conditioning couch, the scanner housing and the mechanical supports. It’s also where you’ll find the x-ray tube, the most important piece of the scanner, and the powerful detectors, which are used to detect and generate x-rays. CapMed+ sells a variety of high quality CT tubes from GE, Performix Ultra, Siemens and Toshiba systems. Our inventory includes CT tubes for the GE MX240 VCT Hercules, the Toshiba Varian and the Siemens Straton CT scanner. We also sell peripheral parts, including optical disc drives, speakers and cables for the top systems on the market. Looking for affordable CT parts and installation services for your medical practice or imaging center? Check out our inventory below and use our convenient contact form to submit your information for a fast response on parts availability and pricing. Not sure which parts are right for your CT machine? Please contact a CapMed+ Specialist at 888-575-8669 for assistance.All

DCB Board for GE Lightspeed Plus S/DAS Condition: ...
Toshiba Aquilion 4 Slice CT RPSU Assembly PX77-83180E
Model: Aquilion 4 Slice CT Description: RPSU Assembly
Model: Aquilion 4 Slice CT Description: RPSU Assembly

Model: PQ 6000 CT Description: Laser Camera ...

This 5.3 MHU CT Tube is designed as a replacement ...

Alternative P/N: 3100128-00

Manufactured: May 2012 GEMS Pet Systems AB Desc. ...

Toshiba Aquilion CT 4 KEYBOARD N8608533-T002 ...

Product Specifications Tube Type: DU 404 ...

This 300 KHU X-Ray tube is specifically designed ...

Financing available 24-60 month terms This 5.3 MHU [...]

Financing available 24-60 month terms This new 3.5 [...]

Financing available 24-60 month terms The new DA ...

Financing available 24-60 month terms The NEW ...

Financing available 24-60 month terms This 5.3 MHU [...]

DCB Board for GE Lightspeed Plus S/DAS Condition: ...

Manufactured: May 2012 GEMS Pet Systems AB Desc. ...
GE H3 Gantry Helios Collimator Control PCB Board for CT 2159578-3
Model: LightSpeed 16 Category: Imaging Device: CT ...
Model: LightSpeed 16 Category: Imaging Device: CT ...
GE Scan Data Disk Array for LightSpeed 16 CT 2362772
Scan Data Disk Array (SDDA) For LightSpeed 16 CT
Scan Data Disk Array (SDDA) For LightSpeed 16 CT
Transportation and Logistics Services for Philips CT
Overview of Services Transportation and Logistics ...
Overview of Services Transportation and Logistics ...

Model: PQ 6000 CT Description: Laser Camera ...

This 5.3 MHU CT Tube is designed as a replacement ...

Alternative P/N: 3100128-00
Transportation and Logistics Services for Siemens CT
Overview of Services Transportation and Logistics ...
Overview of Services Transportation and Logistics ...
Toshiba Aquilion 4 Slice CT RPSU Assembly PX77-83180E
Model: Aquilion 4 Slice CT Description: RPSU Assembly
Model: Aquilion 4 Slice CT Description: RPSU Assembly

Toshiba Aquilion CT 4 KEYBOARD N8608533-T002 ...

Toshiba Aquilion CT 4 DETECTOR ASSEMBLY MOD ...

Toshiba Aquilion CT 4 Foot Switch Assembly MODE: ...

Toshiba Aquilion CT 4 Phantom Holder Assembly Sub ...

Toshiba Aquilion CT 4 Gantry Servo Amp Kollmorgan ...

Toshbia Aquilion CT 4 Flouro System Video ...

Gantry Collimator Slit Assy and Slit Assy Pulse ...